Brands.  The return address for 3 million livestock in Colorado.

Brands. The return address for 3 million livestock in Colorado.

Chris Whitney grabbed a pair of worn leather gloves from his back pocket, pulled them on with his teeth and stoked the campfire and the red-hot branding irons which read Lazy T Reverse F. The young calves were restless and noisy.  Whitney looked across the Uncompaghre Valley at the towering snow-capped peaks of the Cimarrons and San Juans.  It would be his last spring roundup at his family’s ranch in Ridgway, Colorado, before he...

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A Mount Evans fixture

A Mount Evans fixture

 Karl Snyder has been driving from Boulder, Colorado (5,430 ft above sea level) to the top of Mount Evans (14,264 feet ASL) to shoot photographs ever since he got his first driver’s license way back when.  The Forest Service rangers know him.  The staff at the Echo Lake Lodge know him.  And anyone who has searched the Internet for information on the trip up the highest paved road in North America knows his website. Coming out of the...

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Pursuing marriage

Pursuing marriage

Lisa Anderson asks her young adult listeners why they aren’t pursuing marriage, questioning their dating styles, their cohabitation and their infatuation with their careers, trying to give them a vision for marriage and help them understand that it is critical to their future. Anderson sees her role as encouraging her 39,000 listeners to move beyond “adultescence”, an ambiguous developmental stage between adolescence and adulthood....

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