Shikata ga nai

Shikata ga nai

It appears there is nothing left of Amache except a small cemetery with gravestones and other memorials.  The swirling wind doesn’t remember.  The prairie grass twitches indifferently.  The concrete barracks foundations are motionless. But buried below this forlorn landscape are pieces of ceramic tea cups, Go game tokens, hair barrettes, eggshells, rounded stones from the nearby Arkansas River and residual pollen from plants grown on...

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America’s carousel conservator

America’s carousel conservator

From 1885 to 1928, an estimated 4,000 wooden carousels operated in the United States; less than 300 of those exist today, about 150 of which are operational. They were carved and painted by European immigrant craftsmen who were proud to be in America.  Patriotic images such as eagles, flags and banners were used extensively. Will Morton has spent half his life using his form of exploratory craftsmanship to reveal the character and...

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Preserving the family store

Preserving the family store

Their great grandfather Henry Kneisel used to sell Dr. Hamers High Altitude and Dry Climate Home Cures.  Today they feature Colorado-made products including jams, syrups, sauces and gift foods. Dr. LeGear’s Heave and Cough Remedy for horses was a modest seller, after Emil Anderson became partners with Kneisel, along with Scandinavian cheeses for the miners most of whom came from Norway, Denmark and Sweden. The demand for Heave...

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