The Lone Man

The Lone Man

Something flows through the work of fine art photographer Cole Thompson.  It is a current from secret, obscure shadow to revealing, engaging light.  It circulates like blood flowing in ones veins, or, like warmth from the sun. Thompson often finds the edge between shadow and light, moving away to a place of solitude, examining the place without distraction, interruption or…It is so vast and yet reachable, a place where inspiration...

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America’s carousel conservator

America’s carousel conservator

From 1885 to 1928, an estimated 4,000 wooden carousels operated in the United States; less than 300 of those exist today, about 150 of which are operational. They were carved and painted by European immigrant craftsmen who were proud to be in America.  Patriotic images such as eagles, flags and banners were used extensively. Will Morton has spent half his life using his form of exploratory craftsmanship to reveal the character and...

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Harp shooter

Harp shooter

The glaring sun burned in the still, humid air.  The clouds had fled. The bugs had not. Courtney Hershey Bress was starting to sweat in places under her helmet and harness.  She laid down in the hot sand and looked at the rows of targets in front of her, and beyond at the pine-covered hills around Columbia, South Carolina.The loudspeaker from the range tower blared, “Ready on the firing line.  Commence firing.” With hands that...

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